Case study

Case Study: Translation of regulatory procedures and documents (HR and internal communication)

An international company with many places of business abroad

This medium-sized company, has centralised governance, with corporate functions managing all subsidiaries and sites located abroad (6 countries in Europe). The HR and Internal Communication managers regularly distribute documents to local intermediaries or directly to all employees.

The need for translation, in a few words

The company’s internal policy, as part of its CSR commitments, requires that almost all regulatory documents and internal communication information be provided in the local language of the teams based in six European countries. The teams want to translate all the content and its successive updates. They also want to maintain consistency in the terms used and reduce the time spent on creation and management (e.g. manually tracking changes, etc.). And of course, to be offered the best possible optimisation in terms of cost and quality.

Services offered

  • Proposal of a process to limit the time spent by HR and Communication on updating translated versions of documents, enabling them to focus on their real added value and expertise.
  • Ensuring the translation of the documents into the 6 target languages. Creation of a linguistic asset.

The different stages of the German translation of the corporate website

What has been proposed:

  • Creation of memories from the company’s unorganised linguistic assets: alignment of previously translated documents (French versions and translated versions).
  • Creation of a glossary of terms and acronyms, which will ensure consistency throughout the documents. This glossary will be regularly updated.
  • Project management in the server version of a CAT tool (memoQ)
  • Creation of teams (in pairs) of native translators and proofreaders who will be mobilised throughout the year for the translation and updating of these documents.

Advantages of the translation solution offered by Tradutec

We provide multifaceted expertise:

  • The involvement of Tradutec’s project manager allowed for a clear definition of the subject with their HR and Internal Communication contacts. This consulting approach enabled us to reassure the client, by proposing a simple translation process, guaranteeing high quality translations and deadlines that were compatible with the client’s constraints
  • The approach proposed also made it possible to optimise the client’s translation budget by capitalising on the translations carried out over time thanks to translation memory management. In other words, for this type of document (procedures and regulatory documents), the translation cost per client will decrease as the translation memory is built up. This will enable more documents to be translated, on a constant or reduced budget.